Application of Membrane Filter Press In Rice Flour Processing

Application of Membrane Filter Press In Rice Flour Processing

In the process of making rice noodles, it is usually necessary to grind the soaked rice into slurry and then filter and dehydrate it to obtain the rice noodle base. The membrane filter press plays an important role in the rice noodle processing process. Through its energy-efficient filtering and pressing functions, it can fully remove the water in the rice slurry to obtain dry and delicate rice noodles, which provides an ideal raw material for later processing. The membrane filter press plays a key role in this step. The following section will introduce in detail the application of the membrane filter press in rice flour processing.

Membrane Filter Press
Membrane Filter Press

Membrane Filter Press A membrane filter press is a filter press that uses a membrane plate in combination with an ordinary filter plate. It uses additional pressure for secondar...

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The diaphragm filter press is a device that uses pressure to separate solids from liquids. Its core component is the diaphragm, which filters and squeezes the slurry by changing the state of the diaphragm. When processing rice noodles, the prepared rice slurry is first sent to the filter chamber of the diaphragm filter press, and the water is forced out by applying pressure through the pump while the solid part, i.e., the rice noodles, remains on the diaphragm, completing the solid-liquid separation process.

Rice Flour Processing Process

Rice slurry feeding: The rice slurry is fed into the filter chamber of the membrane filter press through the feed pump. The filter chamber is a cavity formed by adjacent filter plates and filter cloths. After the rice slurry enters, it is evenly distributed on the filter cloth.

Rice Milk

Preliminary filtration: The diaphragm filter press begins preliminary filtration. By applying pressure to the filter plates, the solid part of the rice slurry is retained on the filter cloth, while the liquid part (water in the rice slurry) is discharged through the filter cloth.

Diaphragm pressing: The core step of the diaphragm filter press is diaphragm pressing. At this time, the diaphragm is expanded by filling the diaphragm with gas or liquid (usually water or air), thereby applying additional pressure to the filter cake. As the pressure increases, the water in the filter cake is further pressed out, thereby significantly reducing the water content of the rice cake.

Filter cake unloading: When the predetermined dehydration degree is reached, the diaphragm filter press stops pressurizing, opens the filter plates, and collects the dehydrated rice cake. At this time, the rice cake has become a relatively dry solid substance.

Filter cloth cleaning: After each batch is completed, the filter cloth needs to be cleaned to remove residual rice powder particles to ensure the filtering effect of the next batch.

membrane filter press application

Advantages of Membrane Filter Press

High energy-efficient filtration capability

The membrane filter press uses a specially designed membrane to effectively filter out the water in the rice slurry, which greatly reduces the water content of the rice flour. The formed rice cake is convenient for the next processing flow and is also conducive to storage and transportation.

Easy to operate

The membrane filter press adopts an advanced automatic control system, and the operation process is relatively simple. You only need to set the corresponding parameters, and the machine can automatically complete the entire process of filtering and draining. This reduces the technical requirements of the operator and improves production efficiency.

diaphragm filter press

Stable product quality

The membrane filter press can ensure the relative stability of the composition of the rice flour through a strict filtering and drainage process, avoiding the problem of inconsistent product quality caused by fluctuations in moisture content or affecting the next processing flow. By adjusting the working parameters of the membrane filter press, the personalized needs of different customers for the texture of rice flour can be achieved.


In general, the diaphragm filter press plays a major role in its advantages in rice noodle processing, such as high energy efficiency filtration, easy operation, and stable product quality, and it provides convenient technical support for rice noodle production and processing. Through reasonable use and continuous technological innovation, the membrane filter press will play an increasingly important role in the field of rice noodle processing and promote the healthy development of the rice noodle industry.

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